One of the many features we offer here at Cashfreight is our InLoadChat™ feature which can help improve communication, efficiency, and safety throughout the entire shipping process. So what is InLoadChat™, how does it work, and how can you benefit from using it?
InLoadChat™ is our one-of-a-kind group chat feature that connects all the shippers, carriers, and brokers working with a particular load with each other. This allows everyone involved with a particular load to maintain constant communication with each other throughout the entire transportation process.
Activated as soon as a carrier receives a load’s confirmation and documents, everyone in the chat can discuss any updates or issues that may occur while transporting a particular load, keeping everyone updated with the most recent and available information.
In addition, all of the information in the group message is recorded by the Cashfreight website, so that it can be easily accessed and forwarded to any relevant parties, including insurance companies if a dispute arises at some point during the trip.
InLoadChat™helps shippers, carriers, and anyone else involved with a particular load by providing a variety of different benefits, the first and most important of which is real-time communication.
In the group message, all parties can communicate with each other at all times, ensuring that everyone has the most up-to-date information available. If there are any changes to the shipping schedule, everyone involved can react swiftly, confidently, and accordingly.
In turn, this allows for improved efficiency and safety. Afterall, if everyone always has access to the most recent information and is easily able to communicate with each other, it makes the whole shipping process go smoother, and further ensures that each load is delivered in as safe and timely a manner as possible.Still, InLoadChat doesn’t just offer streamlined communication and up-to-date information. It also records everything that’s sent in the chat so that, if a dispute does arise, any relevant information in the chat can easily be forwarded to insurance companies and any other relevant parties.
Like most of our innovative features here at Cashfreight, InLoadChat™ works great in conjunction with other Cashfreight logistics tools. We know how important it is for shippers, carriers, and businesses to have the most up-to-date information during the shipping process, and InLoadChat™is just one way we address this need.
Cashfreight’s GPS Load Tracking is another great feature that can help keep everyone involved with the shipping process informed with invaluable real-time load information, including where exactly your load is and how far along a load is in the shipping process.
This combined with InLoadChat™ creates an incredibly valuable set of tools that makes life much easier for shippers, carriers, brokers, and businesses, keeping them in the loop with the latest information and load updates at all times.